Hi, I am Mieke ...

... and I believe sustainable change starts with a good story. This conviction is the driving force behind my work that honors the animals, our planet, and the arts. While these passions have found me over the course of some years, writing in itself has been part of me for most of my life.

From the moment I could wield a pen, I started to compose poems, keep a journal, and draft little stories. I was an introverted child, and writing was my way to process events and scenarios unfolding before me, and imagine the adventures I would one day live off paper.

Exploring the caves of Barra Honda, Costa Rica

Personal challenges such as classism and poverty often featured in my stories, which created fertile grounds for my passion for social justice to thrive. Animal welfare and environmentalism inspired many short fiction pieces when I became a vegetarian (later vegan) at 14, and my passion for informing others about the impact of animal agriculture led to some early explorations into journalism.

Writing came very naturally to me, but, more importantly, it ignited my soul and helped me imagine a life beyond my hometown in the Belgian countryside which I perceived as small in every sense of the word.

Sunbathing turtles in the Bolivian Amazon (Photo by me)

Over the years, I have often prioritized the pursuit of a well-rounded and varied education to give my work some teeth. I obtained certificates in editing, cross-border investigative journalism, teaching English as a foreign language, and content marketing. I also hold a master's degree in art history, which fuels some of my creative writing and allows me to explore cultural projects whenever inspiration strikes. Additionally, I took any worthwhile course I could find on environmental issues, public health, social-ecological systems, animals, ecology, and epidemiology.

But to be an effective writer, I felt that skills alone weren't enough and that I had to immerse myself in a variety of micro-lives to better understand the cultures, ecologies, and systems that shape our world. As a result, I taught languages and lived in several countries, became a nomad and got a taste of life as a travel photographer, worked in hospitality management, cared for horses, volunteered for animal welfare and educational causes across the globe, worked on a fruit farm, gained valuable experience as a travel editor, organized events, marketing, and website content for environmental organizations, and ran research projects (both independently and in groups.) 

A student at a school in Sarangkot, Nepal (Photo by me)

These days, I try to explore as many types of writing as possible and am proud to call myself a columnist, journalist, poet, fiction & non-fiction author, academic researcher & writer, and content writer

I am currently no longer nomadic. After years of backpacking and residing in different countries, I decided to settle in the northern mountains of Spain where nature possesses an ancient spirit that I find both inspiring and soothing. I will always keep traveling, but I am also looking forward to finally establishing a home base that I can develop into a sustainable haven for myself, my husband, and any animal that might need me.